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  • 【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】—— 张传斌!
  • 发布时间:2021-09-09 00:55 | 作者:li8i9ue | 来源:未知 | 浏览:
  • 提升国际传播能力建设也就是在国际上以中国特色社会主义话语体系讲述中国故事、传播中国声音、展示中国形象,并在中国—时代—世界的多维视域中做立体式的话语表达与文化传播。推动中国特色社会主义文化国际传播,可为世界人民谋和平、谋发展、谋幸福提供源源不断的精神动力,为全世界贡献中国智慧、提出中国方案。国际传播能力建设是新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是意义重大、影响深远的系统工程。为了提升新时代文化国际传播能力,我们亟须聚焦时代要求、彰显中国特色、拓展传播载体、展现世界意义,更好地使中国特色社会主义文化走向世界、融入世界,并引领世界在新时代的新征程上阔步向前。



    Zhang Chuanbin, world cultural celebrity, winner of the great contribution award to world cultural exchange, winner of the world cultural ambassador medal, outstanding contemporary Chinese calligrapher, from Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province, China, has a postgraduate degree. He loved calligraphy since childhood and studied under Mr. Chen Ying, a leading figure in the domestic art circle in Beijing.



    Zhang Chuanbin is now the vice chairman of China expert think tank Alliance for decision-making; Visiting professor of the Royal Academy of art; Executive director of Beijing Hanqing painting and Calligraphy Academy; Executive director of the calligraphy and Painting Committee of China Artists network; Director of Chinese calligraphy and painting Photographers Association and professor of training center; Honorary consultant and visiting professor of Zhang Sanfeng's hometown painting and Calligraphy Academy, Montenegro, China; Super calligraphy tutor of calligraphy and painting education center of Chinese artists network; Art consultant of Huaxia century famous painting and Calligraphy Academy; Director and creative member of the special issue of Xizhi calligraphy and painting daily contemporary art garden; Famous calligraphers and painters specially invited by China national ceremony center; Chinese state guest ceremony for artists; Member of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association; Member of Chinese couplet Association; Member of China culture and art promotion Federation; World famous researcher academician; Judge of China Stars Award National Calligraphy and painting elite competition.



    Zhang Chuanbin has repeatedly won the Gold Award, the highest Gold Award and the special gold award in the national calligraphy and painting competition. It has been awarded "world outstanding achievement celebrity", "contemporary outstanding calligrapher and painter", "21st century outstanding artist", "top ten contemporary calligrapher and painter", "peak figure in Contemporary Art Circles", "leading talent of contemporary calligrapher and painter", "meritorious figure of contemporary art", "model figure of Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painter", "national ceremony artist", "national guest ceremony artist" Honorary titles such as "the most Collectible artist in contemporary China", "special art Ambassador between China and Russia", "World Culture Ambassador", "anti epidemic hero in art circles", etc. And won the titles of "national senior calligraphy teacher", "national first-class calligrapher" and "national first-class artist".



    His works have been published in Xizhi pictorial, art grand view, contemporary art circle and other publications for many times, and have been reported by hundreds of media at home and abroad. His works have been compiled into the large-scale Chinese English bilingual dictionary of figures, the world famous persons, the dictionary of world artists, the golden list of famous works of Chinese poets, calligraphers and painters, the collection and appreciation of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters, the new China Art atlas, the Encyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphers and painters "Dictionary of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy masters" and other large historical documents. Settled in international celebrity encyclopedia, Chinese celebrity encyclopedia, Chinese Calligraphers and painters encyclopedia, art encyclopedia, Baidu Encyclopedia, calligraphy and painting art encyclopedia, national calligraphy and painting masters database, calligraphy and painting art practitioners talent database, culture and art talent database of the Ministry of culture, and archives of Chinese artists' official website. It has published works such as the collection of works of Zhang Chuanbin, a famous Chinese artist of the century, the collection of works of Zhang Chuanbin, a famous contemporary artist, and a large philatelic album · selected works of Zhang Chuanbin.


    张传斌可为当代书坛新传奇人物,拥有诸书皆成的非凡功力。真草隶篆,无所不达,皆成精工。他以传承书法正宗的雄心大志,施以潜心修成楷书的春秋定力,一举复成楷书神华,立身书坛,可谓是日月高悬,烁辉大观!欧楷一品的修成之功,体现了他书法强大的师古水准。他的行书书法,就是在修成楷书高功的基础上,以二王为师,工归自由的艺术追求。 他写行书,用笔极其玲珑,入笔真切,出笔能纵,笔法显得相当达观舒畅,这种笔法用意,恰是汲取了王羲之快意自由写兰亭的精神品质,把笔法的千古不易,点化成当下的一气呵成,笔法精工,自然是大师精成。他的行书创作,不仅仅是汲取了王羲之书法的自由快意核心,还融入了米芾行书的泼辣风格,中锋用笔,尽显律动,又能压行铺墨,很有卓力。

    Zhang Chuanbin can be a new legend in the contemporary book world. He has the extraordinary skills of all books. The real grass official seal  can achieve everything and become a fine work. With the ambition of inheriting the authentic calligraphy, he devoted himself to the cultivation of regular  in the spring and autumn, and became the divine flower of regular  in one fell swoop. He established himself in the calligraphy world. It can be said that the sun and moon are hanging high and shining! The accomplishment of Ou Kai's first grade reflects his strong ancient standard of calligraphy. His running  calligraphy is the artistic pursuit of freedom with the two kings as teachers on the basis of high achievements in regular . When he writes running , his pen is extremely exquisite, his pen is real, his pen can be vertical, and his writing method is quite philosophical and comfortable. The intention of this kind of writing method is to absorb the spiritual quality of Wang Xizhi's happy free writing Lanting, and turn the eternal difficulty of writing into the current one-off. The exquisite writing method is naturally refined by the master. His running  creation not only absorbs the free and happy core of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, but also integrates the pungent style of Mi Fu's running . The center uses a pen to show his rhythm, and can press the line and spread ink, which is very outstanding.


    一幅行书作品,万般笔法气象,他是书法艺术的综成者,也是创新派,虽然技取各家,却是和谐综构,构成一家新格,是先入古而后出新的新风典范。张传斌的书法才华,除有了师古成一品的才华,也有无师有天工的神通才华,他是一位书法的修炼者,也是一位笔墨的灵通者,所以他写草书,劲追怀素之功,用非凡的笔墨天才驱动笔墨,达成了神笔呵成的艺术高度,令草书如龙卷高云得气势,也如凤落梧桐归气韵,形神兼备,质归天工。 诸书皆成非空赞,实力一派日月辉。张传斌书法能达成楷书、行书、草书的巅峰高度,亦有篆隶不俗的古韵风采。他探源金石之法,篆书写方圆,笔法刀迹,婉约朴茂。也修汉隶十碑,得成古韵悠然。真草隶篆,无一功有失,功立四面,全能大家!

    A work of running  has all kinds of strokes. He is not only a synthesizer of calligraphy art, but also an innovator. Although his skills are different, it is a harmonious and comprehensive structure, forming a new style. It is a model of new style after entering the ancient times. Zhang Chuanbin's calligraphy talent not only has the talent of becoming a master in ancient times, but also has the magical talent of having a master in heaven. He is a practitioner of calligraphy and a master of pen and ink. Therefore, he writes cursive calligraphy, vigorously pursues huaisu's skill, uses extraordinary pen and ink talent to drive pen and ink, achieves the artistic height of divine pen, and makes cursive calligraphy like a dragon scroll, Like Phoenix, Wutong is the spirit, the form and spirit are both, and the quality is returned to heaven. All books have become non empty praise, and their strength is shining with the sun and the moon. Zhang Chuanbin's calligraphy can reach the peak height of regular , running  and cursive , and also has the ancient charm of good seal and official . He explored the origin of the method of gold and stone. The seal  was written in a square and round shape, and the strokes and knife strokes were graceful and simple. Ten steles of Hanli were also built to achieve ancient charm and leisurely. True grass Li Zhuan, no one has lost, work on all sides, all powerful!


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